Search Forms - Advanced

"Forms Manager" members can search for forms using the Basic Search Filter available within each Form for workspace of type "Forms Manager" only..



1. Click on to view Advanced Search


2. Enter your required search criteria into the fields available


3. Click on Search to retrieve required forms


 The Search bar will collapse to display results.


 Click on the to expand the saved search criteria



Select Form Type: displays all active and inactive forms assigned to the Workspace  that each user has access to.


Form Content: displays all the forms that have the entered criteria in the Content field (Basic Forms)

displays all the forms that have the entered criteria in any of the custom fields defined in the selected form type (Custom Forms)


Recipient:.displays names of all the users (active and inactive) on the workspace.


Recipient Action:  displays actions available to users:


     (Sorted alphanumerically in ascending order)


Action Status: displays the status for requested actions  I.e. complete or not


     (Sorted alphanumerically in ascending order)


Viewed by Recipient: provides options to view if users have reviewed their forms



Attributes: displays workspace specific attributes listed for users to use when they search for required form information.

Values will be listed alphanumerically in ascending order.

Select multiple attributes (using shft or ctrl keys) if required.


Form Status: displays a fixed list of available Statuses


   (Sorted Alphanumerically in ascending order)


Inactive Forms: displays options to view some or all forms within the form type



Creation Date From - To: displays list of forms created within a defined period.





Useful Links:

Search Forms

Search Forms - Basic




Q: I want to search for some value entered against a field in one of my Custom Fields but I cannot see the name of the field in the advanced search criteria.

A: To search for any of the values entered in fields of a Custom Form you need to specify the value in the “Form Content” criteria. It will display all the Custom Forms which match the entered criteria in any of the custom fields.


Q: I want to search for a form based on the Form Id of the Form

A: You can search for a form based on its form Id by specifying the Form Id in the Form Id search criteria.


Q: I cannot  perform Advanced Search within Forms

A:  Advanced Search for Forms is restricted for the users having “Can Access Audit Information” Workspace privilege